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John Haltiwanger's Study on Rising Inequality Between Firms cited by Brookings

Inter-Industry Earnings Differentials Account for Rising Inequality Between Firms

Manuel Alcala Kovalski, Jeffrey Cheng, and Louise Sheiner, research analysts and policy research fellows at The Brookings Institute in The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, recently published a research policy brief on The Hutchins Roundup with a focus on geographical differences in consumer financial distress and housing prices.

A study by Faculty Associate John Haltiwanger, also Professor at Economic Department at University of Maryland, along with James R. Spletzer from the Census Bureau was cited, as the study found that "75% of the rise in wage inequality between firms--which dominates the overall rise in U.S. income inequality--is due to rising inequality across industries, as opposed to within industries."

See the complete story at Brookings

See the complete study by John Haltiwanger and James R. Spletzer