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Minnesota Population Center and the Life Course Center at the University of MInnesota invites you to a seminar

Structural Racism, Police Violence, and Population Health Research
When Feb 01, 2021
from 01:15 PM to 02:45 PM
Where Online
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The Minnesota Population Center and the Life Course Center at the University of MInnesota invite you to join us for the next event in our series on Structural Racism and Health Inequities.  For a full list of our spring seminars, see the attached flier or visit All of our seminars are virtual and open to the public.

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Structural Racism, Police Violence, and Population Health Research 
Monday, February 1 | 12:15 - 1:45 PM CT  | Zoom Link

Rachel Hardeman - School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
Hedwig Lee - Sociology, Washington University
Maeve Wallace - Tulane School of Public Health
Alyasah "Ali" Sewell - Sociology, Emory University
Structural racism has profound negative effects on population health. The shooting of unarmed Black Americans by law enforcement results from and perpetuates structural racism. These killings have acute, obvious as well as long-term, insidious negative health consequences for Black Americans. In this panel discussion, four leading population health scholars will explore how structural racism manifests itself through institutional and physical violence. Our panelists will share research analyzing the impact of law-enforcement related deaths of unarmed black citizens as well as the impact of exposure to the chronic stress associated with racialized violence. Through their varied conceptual and methodological approaches, the panelists will discuss how the structural violence of law enforcement-related deaths become embodied in and lead to population-level health inequities.
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