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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California Berkeley

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California Berkeley

Mortal conjunctures: Coronavirus and the end of American certainty
When Nov 09, 2020
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation for the Fall 2020 MPRC Online Seminar Series

“Vital conjunctures” are durations of individual life when imagined futures become strikingly uncertain, for example because of unplanned pregnancy. They necessarily conjoin different domains of life (such as work, school, and family) in new ways. COVID-19 has thrown the entire country into something similar to a vital conjuncture, but on a massive scale and with dire consequences. This paper explores the cultural demography of COVID as a mortal conjuncture. 

About the Speaker

Jenifer Johnson-Hanks

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks is a cultural demographer. She earned her BA from Berkeley, and her MA and PhD from Northwestern, all in Anthropology. She is author of Uncertain Honor: Modern Motherhood in an African Crisis (Chicago, 2006) and How We Count: Why Quantitative Social Science Matters (Princeton, forthcoming), and co-author of Understanding Family Change and Variation: Toward a theory of Conjunctural Action (Springer, 2011). 

Note:  Zoom link for registration.  Upon registration you will receive an automatically generated email with the link for the seminar.

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