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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Seminar: Julia Steinberg - Family Science, School of Public Health, UMD

Seminar: Julia Steinberg - Family Science, School of Public Health, UMD

Examining the Association Between Abortion and Mental Health: The (Mis)use of Science in Policy
When Apr 15, 2019
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Dr. Steinberg will present research understanding the association between abortion and mental health for the past 30 years, largely focusing on her research using U.S. nationally representative data, Danish Population Registries, and the Turnaway study. She  will also discuss how this research area is and should be used in policy, and clinical implications of this work.

About the Speaker

Julia Steinberg

Julia R. Steinberg is an assistant professor in the Department of Family Science, in the School of Public Health, at the University of Maryland, College Park. Trained as a social psychologist and drawing from demography, her research is at the intersection of psychology and reproductive health. More specifically her research largely focuses on 1) understanding the association between abortion and mental health, and 2) examining the role of mental health and other psychosocial factors in unintended pregnancy.

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