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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Seminar Series: Life Course Effects of Risk Factors at Women's Birth on Reproductive Outcomes as Adults

Seminar Series: Life Course Effects of Risk Factors at Women's Birth on Reproductive Outcomes as Adults

Amy O. Tsui, Director, The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute of Population & Reproductive Health, Professor, Population, Family & Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University
When Apr 16, 2012
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 0124B Cole Student Activities Building
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Talk

This study investigates the relationship between risk factors at a woman's birth and her subsequent reproductive outcomes as an adult using a pseudo-panel approach. Birth cohorts are constructed with data from the Demographic and Health Surveys for 47 developing countries and linked over time to assess the effects of being born to a young or older mother, at high parity, or after a short preceding birth interval on the woman's risk of under-nutrition or short stature as an adult, having a small / low birth weight infant, or experiencing child mortality.

Amy Tsui

About the Speaker

Amy Tsui is Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and a Professor in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She received her PhD in Sociology / Demography from the University of Chicago and was a Fellow and later Director of the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests relate to contraception, fertility and related reproductive health behaviors in developing world settings. She has published on the declining visibility of the international family planning movement and the inequity of unwanted fertility and contraceptive service access in developing countries. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences and currently serves on a various scientific review and advisory committees of federal and international agencies. Through the Gates Institute, she collaborates with a network of African university partnerships focused on population and reproductive health capacity building in research and training. The network is conducting a multi-site Family Health and Wealth Study to assess the link between family size and household wealth and individual health outcomes.


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