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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Seminar Series: Substance Use During Pregnancy and Maternal and Child Health: Findings from a Prospective, Population Based, Birth Cohort

Seminar Series: Substance Use During Pregnancy and Maternal and Child Health: Findings from a Prospective, Population Based, Birth Cohort

Edmond D. Shenassa, Director, Maternal and Child Health Program, Associate Professor, Department of Family Science, University of Maryland
When Feb 20, 2012
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 0124B Cole Student Activities Building
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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Dr. Shenassa will present findings from a number of collaborative studies at the University of Maryland based on data from this cohort study. He will also describe the study and available data for future collaborations.

Edmond Shenassa

Edmond D. Shenassa is Director of the Maternal and Child Health Program and Associate Professor of Family Science. He received his Sc.D. in Epidemiology and Maternal & Child Health from Harvard University. Professor Shenassa's work concerns the interaction between individual and social determinants of health. This work, which is primarily focused on maternal and child health, can be further categorized into two general areas: 1) developmental sequelae of in-utero exposures to toxins; and 2) social epidemiology of injury. Professor Shenassa's main research interest concerns the interaction between individual-level and social-level determinants of health. He is currently investigating the social epidemiology of intentional and non-intentional injuries (for example, the effects of community-level availability of firearms on suicide and homicide rates). His other major areas of work regard long-term sequalae of in-utero exposure to tobacco smoke and application of social science findings to the field of public health, as well as the methodological issues involved in such applications.

Visit Dr. Shenassa's website

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