CAFe Speaker Series: “Equity in Public Access to Research Results; Case Study From National Agriculture Library”
CAFe Speaker Series: “Equity in Public Access to Research Results; Case Study From National Agriculture Library”
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Econ Seminar : Janice Eberly, Kellogg School of Management
Investing in Innovation: Models and Measurement with Intangible Capital
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Econ Seminar : Barbara Biasi, Yale University
What Works and For Whom? Effectiveness and Efficiency of School Capital Investments Across The U.S.
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Elizabeth Fussell, Brown University
Migration-driven population recovery in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
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Emma Aguila Vega, USC
Who Returns to Mexico? A Human Capital Selection Approach to Rural and Urban Mexican Undocumented Immigrant Return versus Aging in the United States
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Michelle Poulin, UC Berkeley
Seeds of Unity: Examining the Link Between Joint Land Titles and Women's Status in Western Uganda
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Susan Parker, School of Public Policy
Are Enrollment Gains From Conditional Cash Transfers Sustained After Program Rollback? Evidence From Mexico
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Steinberg investigates mental health impacts of abortion
Beyond the question of access to abortion lie the mental health impacts in cases of restricted access
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Cohen: Marriage is "rarer and more stable"
Cohen notes achievement of status as an element of contemporary marriage trends
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Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals
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Selected Research