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Dylan Roby comments on California’s new contract worker law
Companies challenge the new contract worker law by cutting down their working hours
Located in News
Dynamism diminished: The role of housing markets and credit conditions
John Haltiwanger looks at the effect of housing market shocks on young businesses and start-ups
Located in Research / Selected Research
Early Home Experiences of Young Latino Boys
Why research on low-income Latino children really matters
Located in Research / Selected Research
Economic opportunity key to family success, Fenelon says
Why does South Carolina show up as one of the worst stated to raise a family ?
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Educational and economic gains from expanding computer science courses in Maryland
Maryland study shows that computer science courses boost degrees and early career earnings
Located in Research / Selected Research
Effects of Depression on Contraceptive Behavior
Julia Steinberg will use an NICHD K01 grant to investigate the impact of depression throughout the reproductive cycle
Located in Research / Selected Research
Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals
Located in Research / Selected Research
Emotional well-being in South African migrants
Effects of migration on Black South Africans' mental health
Located in Research / Selected Research
Empirical evidence on the unintended consequences of the one-child policy in terms of child trafficking in China
Implementation of the one-child policy and deep-rooted cultural preference for boys have together significantly increased both child abandonment and child abduction in China
Located in Research / Selected Research
Engaging Women in the Market for Mobile Money
Faculty Associate Jessica Goldberg awarded National Science Foundation three-year grant to examine questions of participation and impact for women
Located in Research / Selected Research