Gender&Family Brownbag: For the Family: How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work
Sarah Damaske, Penn State
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: Janet Gornick
CUNY and Luxembourg Income Study, Title TBA.
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Gender&Family Brownbag: Recession and Divorce in the United States: Economic Conditions and the Odds of Divorce, 2007-2009
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen speaks
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Geography Seminar Featuring Herman Daly : "Growth, Debt, and the World Bank"
Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Seminar Series
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Coming Up
Heather Rackin, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University
Networks of Notions: Measuring Meanings from In-depth Interviews Using Network Text Analysis
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Coming Up
Hofferth honored by American Sociological Association
Section on Sociology of the Family to present the 2012 Distinguished Career Award at ASA Annual Meeting
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How Does Time Use Data Illuminate Important Social Patterns?
Liana Sayer starts a new Time Use Lab at the University of Maryland
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Selected Research
India Human Development Survey Second Wave (IDHS-II)
An NICHD grant valued at about $2.5 million over five years is funding the second wave of survey research for IHDS
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Selected Research
Institutional Change and the Consequences of Military Service
In a Collaborative Research project funded by the National Science Foundation, Meredith Kleykamp looks at outcomes in marriage, education, employment and earnings among veterans and non-veterans over the last 40 years.
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Selected Research
Jogging While Black
Sociologist Rashawn Ray speaks out about the fears that keep many African Americans from exercising
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