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Econ Seminar : Janice Eberly, Kellogg School of Management
Investing in Innovation: Models and Measurement with Intangible Capital
Located in Coming Up
Kearney NY Times Op-Ed examines 'baby bust'
300,000 fewer births will have long-term impact
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Kearney comments on potential help for poor families
Biden plan could make inroads on poverty
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Cohen notes complex decision-making around pregnancy
COVID-19 "baby bust" will have long term effects
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Kearney examines COVID baby bust
Diminished births have long-term consequences
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New York Times Article quotes Kearney in discussion of child care and opening the economy
Child care key to economy re-opening
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Kearney quoted in Washington Post article on economic inequality in large cities
Big cities no longer an economic driver of the middle class for the less educated and minority populations
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Promoting Economic Recovery After COVID-19
Melissa Kearney and colleagues offer bi-partisan plan for economic recovery
Located in Research / Selected Research
Melissa Kearney cited in federal aid issue
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Kearney edits Future of Children volume
How Cultural Factors Shape Economic Outcomes
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