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Teens, Technology, and Dating Violence
Donna Howard and colleagues are studying the impact of electronic communication technologies on dating violence
Located in Research / Selected Research
Seminar Series: Life Course Effects of Risk Factors at Women's Birth on Reproductive Outcomes as Adults
Amy O. Tsui, Director, The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute of Population & Reproductive Health, Professor, Population, Family & Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University
Located in Coming Up
Seminar Series: Family and Neighborhood Interventions to Reduce Heart Disease Risk in East Los Angeles
Alex Ortega, Principal Investigator, Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, Professor, Department of Health Services, University of California
Located in Coming Up
Seminar Series: Polygyny, Partnership Concurrency and HIV transmission in Sub Saharan Africa
Georges Reniers, Assistant Professor, Office of Population Research, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
Located in Coming Up
Seminar Series: Substance Use During Pregnancy and Maternal and Child Health: Findings from a Prospective, Population Based, Birth Cohort
Edmond D. Shenassa, Director, Maternal and Child Health Program, Associate Professor, Department of Family Science, University of Maryland
Located in Coming Up
Air Pollution, Subclinical CVD and Inflammatory Markers in the Search Cohort
Faculty Associate Robin Puett undertakes R01 study of air pollution effects for diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Located in Research / Selected Research
Race / Ethnic Differentials in the Health Implications of Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren,
Faculty Associate Feinian Chen studies health implications for grandparents caring for grandchildren
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Effects of Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees on the Use of Preventative Care
Faculty Associate Karoline Mortensen to model effects of Affordable Care Act on Medicaid enrollees
Located in Research / Selected Research
Asian American Liver Cancer Education Program in Maryland
Faculty Associate Sunmin Lee is wrapping up a four-year grant evaluating the effectiveness of educational intervention on disease awareness
Located in Research / Selected Research
Chen studying women's transition to later adulthood
Interdisciplinary project working with scholars from the University of North Carolina
Located in Research / Selected Research