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Cabrera joins the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families
New research hub aims to improve policies and programs that serve Hispanic children and families
Located in Research / Selected Research
Cabrera on low-income fathers' engagement with their children
Fathers' involvement promotes self-regulatory behaviors and healthy relationships
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Cabrera on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Playfulness
Playfulness is associated with children's emotion regulation and vocabulary skills
Located in Research / Selected Research
Cabrera on parent-child interactions
Overall, children tend to show more positive emotions during intrusive play with their fathers than with their mothers
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Cabrera's work featured on
Family cohesion, discipline, and strong ethnic identity help low-income kids succeed
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Can COVID-19 change the work culture at home?
Survey identifies shifts in domestic labor for men and women
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Can incentivized peer-to-peer health communication promote preventative health behaviors?
A new NBER Working Paper by Jessica Goldberg tests this theory in India and Zambia
Located in Research / Selected Research
Care Coordination for African American and Hispanic Adults with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
National Institute of Aging R01
Located in Research / Selected Research
Care Coordination on Minorities with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia
Principal Investigator Jie Chen, with Andrew Fenelon and others, was awarded a grant to study care coordination on ethnic minority populations
Located in Research / Selected Research
Change in Elderly Living Arrangements in Rural South Africa, 2000-2010
Sangeetha Madhavan project, an R03 funded by NICHD, examines the impact of HIV on the probability that an elderly person will face a transition in living arrangements
Located in Research / Selected Research