Cohen on the US politicians' 'yearbook problem'
Racist displays are coming out on elected leaders
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Cohen on Warren’s statements about child care
One survey is not enough to make a social truth
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Cohen opinion piece published in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Sexual assault cases should be handled by the criminal justice system, not college administrators
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Cohen post on baby names makes news
Amazon's Alexa platform depresses a favored baby name
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Cohen refutes claims about the chilling effects of the Moynihan Report
Fifty years later, culture is still not a sufficient explanation for systemic poverty
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Cohen research aids examination of infidelity and marriage
What if infidelity is a hidden factor helping to stabilize marriages which would otherwise end in divorce?
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Cohen research focus of Washington Post story
Falling birth rates are a long-term trend
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Cohen sees 'symbolic effect' of same-sex unions on marriage
Pundits ponder future of marriage as an institution
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Cohen's new book cited in article on Deseret News
Today's most popular baby names reflect a trend toward individuality, not continuity
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Cohen, Sayer, and Dow on Modern Parenting
New York Times article notes that raising children has become a more time-consuming and expensive task.
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