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"Rosie" learns Spanish: The AI-powered chatbox bridging disparities in maternal and infant health
Nguyen and Aparicio receive $200k from NIH to expand access to healthcare information
Located in Research / Selected Research
'Accountable Care' hospitals may assist rural Alzheimer's population
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society article examines challenges of rural caregiving
Located in Research / Selected Research
'Silence is louder than statistics'
Op-Ed details limitations of sexual violence research in India
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13 million Facebook users weigh in on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, vaccination, and mask wearing
Quynh Nguyen and colleagues use big data from the Facebook-based U.S. COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey to identify predictors of attitudes and behaviors during the pandemic
Located in Research / Selected Research
“Putting Band-Aids on Things That Need Stitches”
Thurka Sangaramoorthy selected for American Anthropological Association's Rudolf Virchow Award
Located in Research / Selected Research
A cross-national investigation of women's empowerment
Desai and Yu tap into dimensions of empowerment in household, work, and education across 28 countries
Located in Research / Selected Research
Abraham and Kearney examine employment-decline rates
Imports, robots seen as important factors
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Abraham and Kearney examine secular decline in US employment over the past two decades
Robots and offshoring seen as important factors in decline of employment rates
Located in Research / Selected Research
Abraham comments on student loan forgiveness
Opinion piece in Politico explores alternatives to a blanket loan forgiveness program
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Abraham comments on the quality of work
Share of independent workers drops
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