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Journal Club - Demar Lewis
Journal Club Meeting with Demar Lewis - "Public trust is earned: Historical discrimination, carceral violence, and the COVID-19 pandemic"
Located in Coming Up
Article Reference Troff document (with manpage macros)Medicaid Instability and Mental Health of Teen Parent Families
This study examines the effect of inconsistent  Medicaid coverage  on  parenting stress , maternal depression, and child behavior in a sample of teen mothers and their children. The majority (54%) of mothers experienced inconsistent coverage. After 24 months, mothers experiencing inconsistent coverage had significantly higher  parenting stress  and depressive symptoms, and their children had more internalizing behaviors than families with consistent Medicaid. These differences existed despite no initial differences and controlling for numerous covariates. Policies and practices that stabilize  Medicaid coverage  for teen parent families may reduce unnecessary stress, depressive symptoms, and early childhood behavior problems.
Located in MPRC People / Amy Lewin, Psy.D. / Amy Lewin Publications
Trauma and resilience among Central American immigrant adolescents and their families
Amy L. Lewin, Kevin Roy, Family Science, individual and structural inequalities deriving from traumatic experiences among immigrant Latino youth
Located in Resources / / Seed Grant Program / Seed Grants Awarded