Upcoming Certificate Coursework
Spring 2025
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ECON604 and ECON624
The foundations of public economics, taxation, inequality, and behavioral public economics are reviewed. Major topics include welfare economics, tax incidence, behavioral responses to tax incentives and the efficiency cost of taxation, optimal taxation, income and wealth inequality, optimal tax systems and tax evasion, capital taxation and business income taxes, and taxation and behavioral economics. The course material is aimed to give students an understanding of both the foundations and methods of modern public economics, and important recent advances in our understanding of public economics. This is the first course in the two-part Ph.D. sequence in public economics.
0101 Daniel Reck
MW 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm - TYD 0101
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
Family Science
FMSC 710 - Maternal and Child Health from a Life Course Perspective
Credits: 3
Credit only granted for: FMSC710 or FMST710. Formerly: FMST710
Tu: 1:00 pm - 3:45pm - TBA
Geographical Sciences
GEOG606 - Quantitative Spatial Analysis
Credits: 3
Multivariate statistical method applications to spatial problems. Linear and non-linear correlation and regression, factor analysis, cluster analysis. Spatial statistics including: trend surfaces, sequences, point distributions. Applications orientation.
0101 Giovanni Baiocchi
M 5:00 pm - 7:20 pm - LEF 2166
Health Services Administration
HLSA721 - Using Demographic Data for Health Policy Analysis
Credits: 3
Public Policy
PLCY782 - International Development Economics
Credits: 3
Examines key current economic and policy issues for developing and transition economies. Topics include inflation stabilization, fiscal policy, selected trade issues, dealing with international capital flows, the role of multilateral organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and issues relating to saving, investment and growth.
0101 Julio Guzman
M 9:15 am - 11:45 am - TMH 0102
This section has optional online discussion sessions, Fridays, 9:15am-10:45am.