Upcoming Certificate Coursework
Fall 2024
SOCY611 - Introduction to Demographic Methods
Credits: 3
0101 Michael Rendall
ECON 616 - Economic Development II
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ECON615, ECON603, and ECON604; or permission of BSOS-Economics department.
Survey of a variety of models explaining how market failures may lead to poverty and underdevelopment, with an emphasis on the empirical evaluation of constraints faced by individuals in developing countries and the programs that attempt to alleviate those constraints. Topics include: agricultural and land markets, labor markets, human capital in developing countries, credit markets, and consumption smoothing and risk coping.
0101 Jessica Goldberg
MW 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm - TYD 2111
ECON 626 - Empirical Microeconomics
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ECON624
Restriction: Must be in Economics (Doctoral) Program
An overview is provided of modern microeconometric methods with a focus on reduced form causal inference. Tools discussed include linear regression and selection on observables, instrumental variables including LATE and the role of heterogeneity in causal inference, difference-in-difference, regression discontinuity, synthetic control, matching, propensity score methods, and inverse probability weighted estimation. In addition, inferential issues such as weak instruments and techniques for robust standard errors, clustering, bootstrap and randomized inference are discussed, time permitting. The course places strong emphasis on relating statistical methods to substantive empirical applications. Each topic is introduced with an empirical paper that uses the technique. The discussion of technical material is at an intuitive level that focuses on applications and recommendations for empirical practice. The course offers an opportunity to work on a number of extended empirical exercises that are based on published papers and original data. Students practice working with data, implementing code in Stata and conducting their own empirical analysis. These exercises also offer practice in scientific writing relevant for empirical work.
0101 Guido Kuersteiner
ECON771 - Advanced Labor Economics: Theory and Evidence
Credits: 3
Provides students the theoretical background and econometric tools to engage and conduct research in labor economics. The course highlights the importance of a good balance between theory and solid empirical work. The topics include human capital, empirical earning functions, labor demand, incentive, discrimination, minimum wage, labor supply, tasks and skills, and inequality. In addition, it goes over essential topics in applied economics, including selection bias, instrumental variables, structural vs. reduced-form analysis, dynamic discrete choice models, and unobserved heterogeneity. During the term, students work with different data sets.
0101 Judith Hellerstein
MW 9:00am - 10:15am - TYD 1108
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
EDMS 655 - Introduction to Multilevel Modeling
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: EDMS651; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Introduction to multilevel models and methodology as strategies for modeling change and organizational effects.
0101 Tracy Sweet
W 4:15- 7:00pm - LEF 1222
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
EPIB 655 - Longitudinal Data Analysis (Permission Required)
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: EPIB651
Statistical models for drawing scientific inferences from longitudinal data, longitudinal study design, repeated measures and random effects to account for experimental designs that involve correlated responses, handling of missing data.
0101 Xin He
Tu: 1:00- 3:45pm - ATL 1434
Family Science
FMSC 710 - Maternal and Child Health from a Life Course Perspective
Credits: 3
Credit only granted for: FMSC710 or FMST710. Formerly: FMST710
0101 Instructor TBA
Tu: 1:30- 4:30pm - TBA
FMSC 750 - Family and Health Policy
Credits: 3
Credit only granted for: FMSC750or FMST750. Formerly: FMST750
0101 Christine Schull
M: 1:00- 3:45pm - TBA
Geographical Sciences
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
Health Services Administration
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
SURV617 - Applications of Statistical Modeling
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: SURV615 and SURV616; or permission of instructor.
Credit only granted for: SURV617, SURV746, or SURV699R
Formerly: SURV699R and SURV746.
Designed for students on both the social science and statistical tracks for the two programs in survey methodology, will provide students with exposure to applications of more advanced statistical modeling tools for both substantive and methodological investigations that are not fully covered in other MPSM or JPSM courses. Modeling techniques to be covered include multilevel modeling (with an application to methodological studies of interviewer effects), structural equation modeling (with an application of latent class models to methodological studies of measurement error), classification trees (with an application to prediction of response propensity), and alternative models for longitudinal data (with an application to panel survey data from the Health and Retirement Study). Discussions and examples of each modeling technique will be supplemented with methods for appropriately handling complex sample designs when fitting the models. The class will focus on practical applications and software rather than extensive theoretical discussions.
0101 Brady West
Tu: 1:00pm - 3:30pm - LEF 2208
Meets August 26, 2024-December 6, 2024
Public Policy
No certificate courses are being offered in this department during this semester