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IPUMS data releases

Includes trial-run comparison testing Census' new privacy protection algorithm

Census 2020
IPUMS NHGIS has released a new batch of demonstration data to facilitate comparisons between the original 2010 data and data derived from a recent trial run of the Census Bureau’s planned 2020 privacy protection system. The Bureau has begun releasing microdata from trial runs of its new system applied to 2010 census data. NHGIS will generate and publish new demonstration summary data from each new microdata release. The latest version includes data for 10 tables and 14 geographic levels, including census blocks. We encourage users to investigate how well the privacy-protected, noise-infused demonstration data would suit their needs and to provide feedback to the Census Bureau.

2020 basic monthly survey data through June are now available. Additionally, users can now include unharmonized variables for 1962-2010 ASEC data in their extracts to view unrecoded versions of CPS data.

IPUMS Health Surveys
Users can now obtain IPUMS MEPS data as wide extracts, where round-level data are placed on the person record as person-level variables.

IPUMS Time Use
2019 ATUS data are now available via IPUMS ATUS.

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