Sacoby Wilson OpEd in Baltimore Sun
"Baltimore is one of many examples in America where being a low-wealth person of color means you are more exposed to environmental hazards and climate-fueled disasters, thanks to decades of disinvestment in Black communities," writes Faculty Associate Sacoby Wilson in a Baltimore Sun OpEd on May 9, 2022.
He calls for "A comprehensive tool . . . that not only includes environmental and demographic indicators such as race, but also measures of factors such as economic progress, health and resiliency. It is only with these kinds of indicators that we have a holistic, accurate understanding of who is impacted by environmental and climate injustices, and how we can advance environmental justice, climate equity and community resilience."
See the OpEd at the Baltimore Sun
White House Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool misses a key factor: race, Baltimore Sun, May 9, 2022, Wilson