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Sayer research featured in The Atlantic

Varies by person's role

"A common 21st-century complaint is that life didn’t used to be as busy as it is today, but some people are more likely to think so than others," writes Joe Pinsker in The Atlantic. He cites research by MPRC Faculty Associate Liana Sayer which indicates "many Americans who are employed, married, a parent, or a college graduate feel shorter on time today than people in those situations did several decades ago. Working mothers and shift workers feel particularly crunched," Pinsker wrote.

[It's] "both feeling like there’s more [to do and] feeling that you have to ‘be the best you can be’ in all of the roles, or you’ve failed as a person,” Sayer told Pinsker.

See the complete article in The Atlantic


"Why Your To-Do List Never Ends"
The Atlantic, January 15, 2021