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Kevin Roy Comments on Stay-at-home Dads on Baltimore Magazine

Stay-at-home dads are more gender equitable, holding positive thoughts about themselves and their wives

Megan Isennock, a freelance writer for the Baltimore Magazine Education & Family section, recently published an article on the stay-at-home dads, or SAHD as the acronym indicates.

According to Isennock, all of the stay-at-home dads interviewed for the news spoke highly of their wives while also feeling proud being the caregiver at home. Faculty Associate Kevin Roy, an associate professor from the School of Public Health specializing in family science, comments that stay-at-home dads nowadays tend to be younger, holding gender-equitable beliefs, and are more open to different ways of being a guy, "which, to some extent, leads to a higher relationship quality with their partners."

See the complete story at Baltimore Magazine