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Melissa Kearney and Katharine Abraham's paper featured in The Hill on Yang's debate over job loss

Heated Democratic debate between Yang and Sen. Warren (D-Mass) on whether automation caused job loss

Niv Elis, writing for The Hill, reports on Presidential candidate Andrew Yang's debate with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) last Tuesday over "whether automation or trade were primarily responsible for eliminating jobs in key parts of the country," where Yang blamed automation and robots as the main culprit. An AP Fact Check claimed "economists mostly blame [certain] job losses on automation and robots, not trade deals," Elis wrote.

Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney, however, told Elis, "That fact check strikes me as incorrect." She and Katharine Abraham published a paper last year studying reasons behind U.S. employment loss, which found that "two of the top factors affecting job loss were 'increased import competition from China and the penetration of robots into the labor market,' but found competition from China had more than double the effect of automation." Elis noted.

See the complete story at The Hill

See the complete paper by Melissa Kearney and Katharine Abraham