PAA 2018 Call for Papers
Presentation proposals due September 29, 2017; meeting dates are April 26-28, 2018, in Denver, Colorado
The Population Association of America will hold it's Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, from April 26 to 28, 2018.
Hundreds of sessions are planned in the areas of :
- Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health
- Marriage, Family, Household and Unions
- Children and Youth
- Health and Mortality
- Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
- Migration and Urbanization
- Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality
- Population, Development, and Environment
- Population and Aging
- Data and Methods
- Applied Demography
- Miscellaneous sessions
As well as Poster sessions
Submissions are now being accepted and must be uploaded using the online system by September 29, 2017.