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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Special Recruitment Talk: Working in the Estimates and Projections Area at the U.S. Census Bureau

Special Recruitment Talk: Working in the Estimates and Projections Area at the U.S. Census Bureau

MPRC will host Mark Gross, Chief - International Migration Branch, for a special recruitment talk: Working in the Estimates and Projections Area at the U.S. Census Bureau
When Apr 30, 2024
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Recruitment Session

The Estimates and Projections Area (E&P) of the U.S. Census Bureau is hiring for up to 15 new permanent positions and a number of summer research opportunities. E&P produces official population estimates between decennial censuses. These estimates are used by academics and researchers in the public and private sectors, and ultimately determine trillions of dollars in federal funding. This talk will cover the work of E&P, the different branches within it, and the types of opportunities available.

About the Speaker

Mark Gross holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Maryland and Certificate of Population Studies from MPRC. Mark's graduate and postdoc work was based in Sub-Saharan Africa, where he was involved in a number of different demographic and health-related research projects. He joined the U.S. Census Bureau in 2019 and is currently the Chief of the International Migration Branch.

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