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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Migrants, Refugees, and Societies (Çağlar Özden)

Migrants, Refugees, and Societies (Çağlar Özden)

Hosted by the Center for Global Business
When Nov 17, 2023
from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Where Van Munching Hall, Room 1520
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Join the Center for Global Business for a talk on International Migration and Development with World Bank Lead Economist and Co-Director of the 2023 World Development Report, Çağlar Özden. The world is undergoing major demographic changes. The population of many countries is aging at an unprecedented rate, while many low-income countries expect to see major population growth. The report makes the case that migration, if managed well, can be a source of prosperity in both origin and destination societies. A short dessert reception will follow.

About the Speaker

Çağlar Özden is a Lead Economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank and co-director of the 2023 World Development Report: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies. His research explores the nexus of globalization of product and labor markets, government policies and economic development.

RSVP here by November 14th.


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