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Katharine Donato, Georgetown University

Protective Resources, Legal Status, and the Integration of U.S. Immigrants Entering as Unaccompanied Children
When Sep 11, 2023
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Hybrid -1101 Morrill Hall and online via Zoom
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Seminar

Prior studies of U.S. immigrant integration and well-being tend to assume that immigrants arrive as adults rather than as children. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 77 immigrant adults who entered the United States as unaccompanied children, we examine whether and how early immigrant integration and well-being of UMC depends on both legal status and access to protective resources. Findings reveal that legality alone is not sufficient as an explanation of integration experiences. Access to protective resources enables integration, although those with temporary and undocumented status face more challenges and access fewer resources, affecting their prospects for successful integration. 

About the Speaker

Katharine Donato

Katharine Donato is the Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration and former Director of the Institute for the Study of International Migration in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She has examined many research questions related to migration, including the economic consequences of U.S. immigration policy; health consequences of migration; immigrant parent involvement in schools in New York, Chicago, and Nashville; deportation and its effects for immigrants; the great recession and its consequences for Mexican workers; U.S. legal visa system; and refugee and migrant integration. 

Seminar Format

Location IN PERSON: 1101 Morrill Hall.  We are requesting advanced registration so that we can track capacity.  Please use this link to RSVP.

Location ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Zoom Registration Link for those unable to attend in person.  Upon registration, you will receive an automatically generated email with the direct link for the seminar

COVID-19 Information

MPRC public events for Fall 2023 will be a mix of in person and online via Zoom.  For in person events, all event attendees must follow current protocols

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