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Workshop: Addressing the Rising Mental Health Needs of an Aging Population

Hosted by the National Academies’ Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
When May 15, 2023 12:00 PM to
May 16, 2023 03:00 PM
Where Online or at the Keck Center, 500 5th St NW, Washington DC 20001
Contact Name
Contact Phone (202) 334-2166
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The National Academies’ Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders will convene a hybrid workshop, May 15-16, exploring the current state of mental health care for older adults in the U.S. and potential strategies to address the mental health needs and challenges of the aging population.

The event will be held in-person and accessible via webcast.

Click here to register.

Speakers will discuss:

  • The incidence and prevalence of mental health and substance use conditions among older adults
  • The range and availability of mental health services to address the needs of older adults
  • The strategies to improve the quality, capacity, equity, and access of community-based and institutional mental health services for older adults
  • The ways to build and sustain comprehensive programs to support the well-being of older adults with mental health conditions (e.g., dementia)
  • The current and new approaches to help older people with mental health disorders to live where they prefer in the community and to support their family caregivers
  • The knowledge gaps that impeded progress in identifying and providing appropriate care for individuals with mental health and substance use conditions, which could be addressed through new research

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