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Alicia Adsera, Princeton University

Family Ideals in an International Comparative Analysis
When Nov 07, 2022
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where In-person, 1101 Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

We aim to develop a conceptual framework for identifying family ideals and to understand how they impact family behavior (especially union formation and fertility). Since existing cross-national surveys on family behavior typically contain little, if any, information on family ideals and strategies for realizing them, we designed a survey to collect this information via both conventional survey questions and novel randomly-generated vignettes of family profiles that individuals are asked to evaluate in terms of their “success” and desirability. Family profiles vary in terms of their marital status, number of children, family investments and interactions, educational aspirations and gender labor market specialization. We conducted the survey in 2021 using online panels in Italy, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Japan, China and the US. Many of these countries are characterized by some of the lowest fertility rates in the world, but have very different institutional settings, labor market arrangements, and family formation processes (including nonmarital unions and nonmarital childbearing). A better understanding of family ideals should allow us to theoretically integrate the ways in which mechanisms governing micro-level intimate family contexts scale up to (partially) explain macro-level trends in family patterns (e.g., national level trends in fertility, marriage, divorce).

About the Speaker

Alecia Adsera

Alicia Adsera's interests are in economic demography, development and international political economy. Alicia is a Senior Research Scholar and lecturer at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Some of her recent work focuses on how differences in local labor market institutions and economic conditions are related to fertility and household formation decisions in the OECD (and Latin America). In addition she is interested in an array of migration topics (i.e. immigrant fertility; the relevance of language, political conditions and welfare provisions among the determinants of migration flows; the wellbeing of child migrants; differential labor market performance of migrants across European countries).

Seminar Format

Location IN PERSON: 1101 Morrill Hall.  We are requesting advanced registration so that we can track capacity.  Please use this link to RSVP for in person events.

Location ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Hybrid Zoom Link - Zoom Link to Register . Upon registration you will receive an automatically generated email with the direct link for the seminar.

COVID-19 Information

MPRC public events for Fall 2022 will be a mix of in person and online via Zoom.  For in person events, all event attendees must follow current protocols

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