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Journal Club - Christina Getrich

"Navigating a fragmented health care landscape: DACA recipients' shifting access to health care."
When Apr 13, 2022
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where In person planned - 2101C Bianchi Room, Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About this Session

Journal Club is a student-directed initiative helping young scholars to review literature, connect with senior scholars, and develop research plans.  The discussion with Dr. Christina Getrich will be based off of the article, "Navigating a fragmented health care landscape: DACA recipients' shifting access to health care" and can be found here: . The discussion will benefit from review of the article ahead of time to generate questions.


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients face an uncertain fate as their future in the United States is being debated. Yet even before the program was introduced in June 2012 and became endangered in September 2017, they encountered challenges in navigating a fragmented health care landscape throughout the United States. This paper focuses on DACA recipients' experiences in accessing health care throughout their lives, both before and after receiving DACA. We conducted semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with 30 DACA recipients living in Maryland between April–December 2016. Participants represented 13 countries of origin and ranged in age between 18 and 28. Results demonstrate that DACA recipients have had punctuated coverage throughout their lives and continue to face constrained access despite temporary gains in status. Health care access is further stratified within their mixed-status families. Participants have also experienced shifts in their health care coverage due to moving between jurisdictions with variable eligibility and changing life circumstances related to family, school, and employment. This article underscores the importance of examining young adult immigrants' access to care over time as they weather changes in the broader policy context and in highly variable contexts of reception nationwide, shaped by state, but also county and city policies and programs. The challenges and gaps in coverage DACA recipients face also underscore the need for both health care and immigration reform.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Christina Getrich’s research is focused on the health and well-being of Latino immigrant families and their incorporation into U.S. society. She is particularly interested in how immigration enforcement policies and practices shape the lived experiences of immigrants and their children, as well as how they, in turn, maneuver these constraints as active participants in their communities.

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