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Journal Club - Marie Thoma

"All-Cause Maternal Mortality in the US Before vs During the COVID-19 Pandemic."
When Nov 16, 2022
from 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
Where 2101C Bianchi Room - In person as planned
Contact Name Clayton Buck or Chu Judy Zhuang
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About this Session

Journal Club is a student-directed initiative helping young scholars to review literature, connect with senior scholars, and develop research plans.  The discussion with Dr. Marie Thoma will be based off of the article, "All-Cause Maternal Mortality in the US Before vs During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” and can be found here:  The discussion will benefit from review of the article ahead of time to generate questions.



This cross-sectional study analyzes the factors associated with deaths during and after pregnancy among Black, Hispanic, and White women. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reported an 18.4% increase in US maternal mortality (ie, death during pregnancy or within 42 days of pregnancy) between 2019 and 2020. The relative increase was 44.4% among Hispanic, 25.7% among non-Hispanic Black, and 6.1% among non-Hispanic White women.1 Given a 16.8% increase in overall US mortality in 2020, largely attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic,2 we examined the pandemic’s role in 2020 maternal death rates.


About the Speaker

Marie Thoma is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Science at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. She received her PhD from the Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health and her MHS from the Department of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH). Dr. Thoma is a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist/population health scientist focusing on the measurement, influences, and impact of maternal and infant health, birth spacing, and infertility at the population level. Her robust research program aims to optimize outcomes, enhance data and methods, and translate research into evidence-based policies and programs underpinning these areas. Through her research she strives to create a world where individuals of all backgrounds can freely pursue their reproductive goals and access services safely and equitably. Dr. Thoma’s research has been published in the Lancet Global Health, American Journal of Public Health, Human Reproduction, Fertility and Sterility, and American Journal of Preventive Medicine and highlighted in several media outlets, including ProPublica/NPR’s Lost Mothers, USA Today, Reuters, and Global Health Now.

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LOCATION: 2101C Morrill Hall, Bianchi Room

Link for more details on what Journal Club is and how it is run.

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