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Center for Global Migration Studies for a discussion of US policy regarding Haitian asylum seekers

Haitian Asylum Seekers to the United States: Past and Present Policy and Advocacy with featured speaker will be Yael Schacher
When Nov 08, 2021
from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
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Please join the Center for Global Migration Studies for a discussion of US policy regarding Haitian asylum seekers. We will meet on Zoom on November 8 at 1 p.m.  Please email for the zoom link.
Our featured speaker will be Yael Schacher, a senior U.S. advocate at Refugees International, where she focuses on U.S. asylum, U.S. refugee admissions, temporary protected status, and immigration practices that have refugee protection implications. Prior to joining Refugees International, she spent a decade researching the relationship between immigration and refugee policy for her forthcoming book on the history of asylum in the U.S. since the late nineteenth century. Dr. Schacher, who earned her Ph.D. in American Studies at Harvard University, has taught at the University of Connecticut and lectured on immigration history and refugee policy at Harvard Law School, the University of Minnesota, and numerous academic conferences and public forums. 
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