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Workshop on Data Equity Issues in Quantifying Racism, Race, and Ethnicity (Virtual)

Workshop on Data Equity Issues in Quantifying Racism, Race, and Ethnicity (Virtual)with Dr. Alyasah Ali Sewell
When Oct 29, 2021
from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where Online
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Hosts:  BSOS Anti-Black Racism Initiative; Critical Race Initiative; School of Public Health; Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity

About the Presentation

Efforts to establish the science of social statistics preoccupied itself with developing methods to situate race variables as causes of social inequality. Yet, efforts to affirm the role of racism as a sociopolitical condition effectively dethroned social statistics as the superordinate  describe racial/ethnic processes. As a result, students of statistics are often blind to how best to examine systemic racism; and, consequently, students of racism, race, and ethnicity are often disenchanted with statistics. This workshop will introduce methodological tools to improve the capacities of quantitative data to identify racial and ethnic inequities. Special attention is paid to assessments of the sociopolitical conditions that prescribe systemic racism as a social fact. 

About the Speaker

Dr. Alyasah Ali Sewell (they/them/their) is Associate Professor of Sociology at Emory University and Founder and Executive Director of The Race and Policing Project. A widely-published and renowned medical sociologist and social psychologist, they assess the political economy of race, neighborhoods, and health and advance methods for quantifying systemic racism and the intersected hypermarginalization. Their research has garnered support and recognition from the National Institutes of Health, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, among others. In 2016, Planned Parenthood designated them “The Future: Innovator and Visionary Who Will Transform Black Communities.” They received postdoctoral training in Demography from the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania, their Ph.D. and M.A. in Sociology from Indiana University, and their B.A. summa cum laude in Sociology from the University of Florida.

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