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Journal Club - Elizabeth Aparicio

Journal Club with Elizabeth Aparicio, Department of Behavioral and Community Health
When Nov 03, 2021
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where In Person - Bianchi Room, 2101C Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About this Session  

Journal Club is a student-directed initiative helping young scholars to review literature, connect with senior scholars, and develop research plans.  The discussion will be based off of  the article here:  The discussion will benefit from review of the article ahead of time to generate questions.

About the Speaker

Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Behavioral and Community Health department in the University of Maryland School of Public Health. She directs the Community THRIVES Lab, a research group that conducts Community-engaged Transformative Health Research at the Intersection of family Violence, Early childhood, and adolescent Sexual health intervention. She is also the deputy director for clinical training and intervention for the University of Maryland Prevention Research Center. Her most recent study, with co-PI Quynh Nguyen, is funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and focuses on developing and testing a chatbot for racial and ethnic minority pregnant and new mothers that will provide key health information via live question and answer, developmental milestones, and appointment reminders. Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio is a community-engaged scholar whose work aims to improve health equity through informing and testing mental health and sexual and reproductive health interventions for trauma-affected and marginalized children, youth, and families. Using a trauma-informed care and reproductive justice framework, she has particular expertise in addressing the mental health and sexual and reproductive health needs of youth in and formerly in foster care and youth experiencing homelessness.  Learn more about Dr. Aparicio. Follow her on Twitter at @DrLizAparicio.
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