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Sociology Department: 10th Annual Form Lecture: Dr. Marla H. Kohlman

Gender, Race, and Culpability: Parsing the Discourse on Sexual Violence in the Time of #MeToo
When Oct 11, 2019
from 02:30 PM to 03:45 PM
Where 1213 Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
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Societal inequalities are often not adequately addressed by legal principles, in fact, sanctions by law, both positive and negative, may actually reinforce structural inequalities. We’ll take as our subject matter the varying discourses on sexual violence as they have evolved over the past three years. How have these discourses deepened the divide in our collective understanding of the law on sexual violence, especially as it relates to differing experiences of gender and race?

About the Speaker:

Marla H. Kohlman is Professor of Sociology at Kenyon College where she has been teaching courses on gender, family, law, and stratification for the past 20 years. Prior to teaching at Kenyon, Dr. Kohlman was an attorney practicing in Maryland and Washington, DC. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Maryland along with a JD and MS in Law and Justice from The American University. Her research places emphasis upon intersectionality as a social justice paradigm of theory. She has used intersectional theory to examine the experience and reporting of sexual harassment and sexual assault in the military and the US labor market.

There will be a reception immediately following the lecture in front of the Art Library.

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