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Journal Club - Quynh Nguyen

Social Media Data in Public Health Research: Building a National Neighborhood Dataset from Geotagged Twitter Data for Indicator of Happiness, Diet and Physical Activity
When Nov 20, 2019
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where 2101C - Bianchi Room
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Previous studies have confirmed that individuals’ health and well-being is largely influenced by where they live, work and play. Yet, the extreme scarcity of neighborhood data greatly limits the scopes of neighborhood effects. The widespread usage of the Internet and social media has led to a unique opportunity for us to explore and understand previously hidden local area interactions.

In this talk, Dr. Nguyen will be leading a discussion on her article which examines the association between neighborhood characteristics and well-being, using geotagged Twitter data and machine learning algorithms. Dr. Nguyen will also discuss the challenges of publication when using novel data and methods.

To read the paper

About the Speaker

Quynh Nguyen

Dr. Quynh Nguyen is a social epidemiologist focusing on contextual and economic factors as they relate to health. She has extensive experience using numerous national and international population-based health surveys to examine social and economic predictors of health, and to quantify national and international patterns in health disparities. Her current research program focuses on creating and validating neighborhood indicators constructed from nontraditional Big Data sources such as social media data.

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