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Workshop - UMD FSRDC and U.S. Census Bureau

Advantages and Opportunities Using the Maryland Federal Statistical Research Data Center
When Nov 15, 2019
from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

A panel of experts, lead by Todd Gardner & Danielle Sandler from the U.S. Census Bureau, will focus on informing the MPRC community of the enormous value of the FSRDC and how to access it – including challenges.

Topics will include an overview of how to gain access to the FSRDC and what kinds of datasets the facility provides access to. Experts will also discuss issues around privacy and dissemination of findings. Additionally, a selection of active, long-time users from MPRC will provide comment, experience and advice from their work with the FSRDC.

The Maryland FSRDC, a joint project of the U.S. Census Bureau and University of Maryland, is supported by three founding units on campus: the R.H. Smith School of Business, the College of Behavioral and Social Science, and the School of Public Health. The secure environment protects respondent confidentiality with state-of-the art processes.

About the Speakers

The workshop will be lead by - From the U.S. Census Bureau - Todd Gardner & Danielle Sandler, Senior Researchers, and Barbara Downs, Director, Federal Statistical Research Data Centers.   Also adding expertise will be Elizabeth Fussell, Brown University,  Liu Yang, Executive Director of the University of Maryland FSRDC, as well as some current, long-time users.

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