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Lyn Craig, University of Melbourne

The Great Recession and young people’s employment, education and homemaking: A cohort comparison by gender in Finland, Spain, Taiwan and the USA
When Oct 09, 2017
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

The Great Recession beginning 2008 caused high youth unemployment, creating cross-national concerns about a ‘lost generation’ with diminished life chances. Yet beyond headline unemployment, an important further indicator of how younger cohorts fared is whether they could direct their time to other productive activities. This presentation examines country differences in youth activities pre- and post- the great Recession and whether the economic downturn was associated with greater activity contrasts for young men or young women. It uses data from the Luxembourg Income Study to examine how those aged 20-34 in Finland (n=19,941), Spain (n=29,458), Taiwan (n=47,219) and the USA (n=184,581) participated in full time work, short-hours or temporary work, education and homemaking over the years 2000-2013. Gender and country patterns varied substantially, in ways that could be associated with differing institutional arrangements, workplace and social welfare policies, and cultural attitudes towards young men and young women and how they should be supported through difficult economic times.

About the Speaker

Lyn Craig

Lyn Craig is Professor of Sociology and Social Policy and Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS), University of Melbourne. Her interests include the time impacts of children, care, and social reproduction; motherhood, the division of domestic labour, work-family balance, social and economic participation over life course transitions, and comparative family and social policy. Lyn serves on Editorial Boards of the American Sociological Review and Social Problems, is an Associate Editor of Feminist Economics and  an elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA).

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