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Kerry Green, Behavioral and Community Health

The Long-Term Consequences of Substance Use for Urban Adolescents
When Mar 06, 2017
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Dr. Green will present on the results from two prospective cohort studies of urban youth examining the consequences of substance use in young and mid-adulthood.  The Chicago-based cohort (The Woodlawn Study) follows youth from age 6 to midlife (age 42) while the Baltimore-based cohort follows youth from age 6 to age 30. Consequences examined include social role functioning, crime, health, and sexual risk. The presentation will highlight issues around estimating causality with observational data, and the use of propensity score matching to isolate the effects of heavy, early use of marijuana and alcohol.  It also will present findings on joint use of alcohol and marijuana and the value of estimating consequences of dual use.  Finally, it will consider various mechanisms that may be driving long-term effects, as well as prevention and policy implications of the work.  

About the Speaker

Kerry Green

As a prevention scientist, Dr. Green’s work has concentrated on improving the health and well-being of disadvantaged populations.  Specifically, her research has focused on identifying the causes of negative outcomes over the life course among urban African Americans.  Dr. Green’s work is concentrated in two areas: (1) long-term consequences of substance use and (2) the interrelationship of substance use, violence, and mental health over the life course.  Much of her work has been with the Woodlawn Study, a community cohort study that began in 1965 as a school-based intervention program and includes data spanning 45 years of the cohort’s lives.  Dr. Green coordinated the midlife follow-up in 2002-03, and has published extensively on this data with funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Aging, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.  Critical aspects of her work involve identifying the prevention implications of findings and applying methodological advances, such as propensity score matching, to complex public health questions. 

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