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Millennials, Whiteness, and Adoptees: Exploring Race, Gender, and Ethnic Identities

The Corsortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity & The Maryland Population Research Center present a working group discussion. The Qualitative Research Interest Group (QRIG) central work is to focus on the intersectional dimensions of inequality and a commitment to social justice using qualitative and mixed methods in their research.
When Nov 15, 2016
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where 2101 Woods Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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Topics included in presentation:  

Jessica Chalk Bennett - "Where Narrative Meets Institutional Ethnography: Bridging the Gap"

Jonathan M. Cox - "I Am But I Do Not See: Colorblind Racial Ideology in College Millennials"

Wendy Marie Laybourn - "From Objects in Need of Rescue to Subjects Asserting Selfhood: Korean Adoptee Consciousness and Cross-National Advocacy"

Dr. Taharee A. Jackson, moderator - "It's Not the Color of Your Skin, It's the Color of Your Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study of Critical Factors in Preparing, Supporting and Retaining Culturally Relevant Teachers"

Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP by Nov. 8 to

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