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Robert Hummer, Professor of Sociology, UNC Chapel Hill

Race / Ethnicity and Early Life Mortality in the United States
When Oct 03, 2016
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 2141K Tydings Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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Co-sponsored by the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity

About the Presentation

The recent work of Professors Anne Case and Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton has spurred much media and scientific attention to the rising death rates of US young and middle aged white adults. But what about infants, children and youth living in the same U.S. context of high rates of poverty and continued racial/ethnic discrimination? Based on a recently funded NICHD grant to study this topic, this presentation focuses on racial/ethnic differences in early life mortality (ages 0-25) in the United States. How large are such differences in the contemporary United States? What are some of the key reasons why such differences continue to exist? Do group differences in socioeconomic status completely explain racial/ethnic differences in early life mortality? What are the outstanding questions in this area of study?

About the Speaker

portrait of robert hummer

Robert Hummer is the Howard W. Odum Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Fellow of the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His research focuses on the accurate documentation and more complete understanding of health and mortality disparities by race/ethnicity/nativity and socioeconomic status in the United States. He has published more than 110 journal articles, book chapters, and books in these and related areas, with attention to disparities both during infancy/childhood as well as across the adult life course. His current research focuses on three projects. First, he is Co-PI of an NIA-funded grant (with Eileen Crimmins, James House, and Mark Hayward) that is developing a research network to understand how and why the United States is falling behind most other developed/wealthy nations, and even some developing nations, on major indicators of population health. Second, he is working on an NICHD-funded project (with Richard Rogers) that aims to better understand racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and family structure disparities in early life (ages 0-24) mortality in the United States. Finally, Hummer is collaborating with Kathleen Mullan Harris and other UNC colleagues on projects using Add Health data that allow him to more fully capture the multi-level factors that contribute to racial/ethnic and educational health disparities in US young adults. As part of this Add Health effort, Hummer is currently collaborating with Harris and the Add Health team in the implementation of the Add Health Wave V design and protocol. Moreover, Hummer is currently in the early stages of planning for Wave VI of Add Health.

Please note the change of venue for this presentation: It will be held in 2141K Tydings, the Dean's Conference Room.

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