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Special Topics Working Group, Child Health

Andrew Williams: Casual Criteria in Practice: Can We Determine Causation in Observational Studies?
When Mar 03, 2016
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Where 2101C Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
Attendees Joey Brown
Diana Cassar-Uhl
Monica Das Gupta
Anthony Kondracki
Sangeetha Madhavan
Jisun Min
Yassaman Vafai
Andrew Williams
Laura Drew
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About the Topic

Experimental studies, such as laboratory studies, are considered the gold standard for establishing causation since researchers are able to prevent external factors from influencing the outcome of interest. Yet experimental studies are not always feasible or logical in the social sciences. This talk will discuss observational studies, and 9 criteria for establishing causation in observational studies. Research examining the relationship between intrauterine exposure to tobacco and nicotine dependency later in life will be discussed, and how authors of these papers relied on these criteria to discuss causality. 

About the Speaker

Andrew Williams is a 4th year doctoral candidate in the Maternal and Child Health program at the School of Public Health. Williams’ research focuses on the relationship between area-level factors (socioeconomic status, environmental toxins, etc.) and maternal and child health outcomes. He is currently a student researcher at the National Center for Health Statistics where he is conducting his dissertation work examining the relationship between area deprivation, stress, and biomarkers of future disease among adolescents. Williams is participating in the Population Reference Bureau’s 2015-2016 U.S. Policy Communication Training Workshop, a year-long program focusing on communicating research findings to policy audiences. He is also the co-leader of MPRC’s graduate student journal club.


Please note that, at the present time, Morrill Hall is not accessible for handicapped individuals.

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