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Seminar Series: Silvia Giorguli, Research Professor, El Colegio de Mexico

Educational Well-being for Children Linked to International Migration in Mexico
When Mar 21, 2016
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
Attendees Christine Bachrach
Elizabeth Brown
Esha Chatterjee
Carrie Clarady
Diana Daisey
Frances Goldscheider
Joan Kahn
Jeehye Kang
Patricio Korzeniewicz
Xiaohong Ma
Rianna Murray
Saswathi Natta
Michael S. Rendall
Cristian Sanchez
Elizabeth Seaman
Betty Sitka
Xiayun Tan
Yeats Ye
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About the Talk

Often lost in the deluge of policy opinions regarding international migration management is the development and well-being of children and youth who in one way or another are affected by their parents’ decisions to migrate. Some migrate at an early age with their parents, others take on solitary migratory journeys during adolescence, and yet others cross the border over and again, leading truly transnational lives. Most, however, are affected by migration less directly, through the international migration experiences of their parents and/or other relatives (resulting, among other things, in stresses associated with family separation). In this presentation, I review several dimensions of the link between international migration and educational outcomes in Mexico.  Based on outcomes from different research projects, I document the “educational well-being” of Mexican children and youth who have been affected—whether directly or less directly—by international migration and of Central American-origin children in Mexico. The “quantity of schooling” is measured through enrollment rates and “quality” includes how well children linked to migration perform while attending school, primarily through standardized scores on tests of academic achievement.  The research presented includes analysis for different groups: a) those children remaining in Mexico while family members work and reside in the U.S., b) immigrant returnees to Mexico, c) first-generation immigrants from Central America in Mexico, and d) the children of Central American immigrants in Mexico. Whereas this taxonomy is by no means perfect, it allows us to make some assertions, draw comparisons, and highlight relative educational needs vis-à-vis program and policy initiatives.  The purpose of the presentation is to provide a general description of a complex educational landscape for students in Mexico affected by immigration from and to US and from Central America. 

About the Speaker

Silvia Giorguli

Silvia Giorguli is Full-time professor at the Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies at El Colegio de México. She is the former Director (2009-2015) of the same Center. In September, 2015 she was appointed President of El Colegio de México. A demographer and sociologist, she got her master degree in Demography at El Colegio de Mexico and she graduated from the Ph.D. program in Sociology from Brown University. Between 2007 and 2008 she was appointed as fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. She was President of the Mexican Demographic Society (2010-2012). She is also founder and former director of the journal Coyuntura Demográfica, open-access journal of the Mexican Demographic Society. Her research has concentrated on international migration between Mexico and the US, specifically on the impact of human mobility on social processes such as family formation, education and labor trajectories. She has also conducted research on transitions to adulthood in Latin America and on the dynamic and consequences of demographic change in Mexico, with a special focus on education. Her publications in journals, books and book chapters concentrate in these areas of research.

Please note that, at the present time, Morrill Hall is not accessible for handicapped individuals.

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