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Seminar Series: Christopher Browning, Sociology, Ohio State University

Activity Spaces and Youth Development: Preliminary Findings from the Adolescent Health and Development in Context (AHDC) Study
When Nov 09, 2015
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
Attendees Christine Bachrach
Luoman Bao
Feinian Chen
Philip Cohen
Alaina De Biasi
Brittany Dernberger
Sonalde Desai
Deanna Devlin
Zack Frick
Emily Glazener
Sandy Hofferth
Anat Kimchi
Mary Jung
Joan Kahn
JaeIn Lee
Su Lin
Zhiyong Lin
Chae Mamayek
Jean McGloin
Rianna Murray
Joanna Pepin
Lea Pessin
Zack Rowan
Tom Scott
Alex Teste
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About the Talk

Research examining contextual influences on youth development and behavior has entered a new era of possibility. The availability of mobile technology for GPS tracking and real-time assessment has opened the door to collection of far more precise data on everyday exposures in space and time. This presentation describes the Adolescent Health and Development in Context (AHDC) project - a large scale, longitudinal study of youth ages 11-17 in Franklin County, Ohio, focused on the nature and developmental consequences of routine activity space exposures. In addition to the major research questions and theoretical approach motivating the study, I review key features of the study design: (1) Smartphone-based GPS tracking over the course of a week; (2) Smartphone-based Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) of location, activities, network partner presence, risk behaviors, and immediate social environments several times a day during the week; and (3) follow-up interview-based collection of detailed space-time budget data on five of the seven days.  Preliminary results indicate that youth spend a substantial proportion of non-home time outside of their conventionally defined neighborhoods. Moreover, exposure to developmentally consequential activity space characteristics (e.g., economic disadvantage, social capital) varies significantly between youth from the same neighborhood and within youth over time (days of the week). I conclude with a discussion of the implications of activity space approaches for research examining neighborhood and other contextual effects on youth wellbeing.  

About the Speaker

Christopher R. Browning (Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1997) is Professor of Sociology at Ohio State University. His research interests include the causes and consequences of community social organization; the neighborhood context of crime, risk behavior, and health; the long-term effects of maltreatment during childhood; and multilevel statistical models. His current projects apply the concepts of activity space and ecological networks to research on the mechanisms linking contextual exposures (e.g., neighborhoods and schools) to youth behavioral health and well-being. He is Principal Investigator on the Adolescent Health and Development in Context (AHDC) study - a large scale, longitudinal investigation of the link between sociospatial exposures and developmental outcomes among youth in Franklin County, Ohio. The project is funded by NIDA, the WT Grant Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.

Visit Professor Browning's webpage  

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