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The Consortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity

Inside and Out: Reentry and "Reform" of Incarcerated Urban Youth. Presenter: Jamie Fader
When Mar 26, 2015
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where Marie Mount Hall, Maryland Room
Contact Name Beth Pruitt
Contact Phone 301-405-1423
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Based on over three years of ethnographic research with Black and Latino males on the cusp of adulthood and incarcerated at a rural reform school designed to address “criminal thinking errors” among juvenile drug offenders; Jamie Fader explores the transition to adulthood for a particularly vulnerable population: young inner-city men of color who have, by the age of eighteen, already been imprisoned. How, she asks, do such precariously situated youth become adult men? What are the sources of change in their lives?

Dr. Fader’s primary research interests are in urban social inequality and crime; juvenile justice; corrections; desistance and prisoner reentry; life course sociology and criminology, especially the transition to adulthood; and qualitative research methods. She teaches in the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University.

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