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Journal Club Meeting

When Mar 13, 2015
from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Where 2101C Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Attendees Luoman Bao
Sai Luo
Sangeetha Madhavan
Sara Mosher
Seth Murray
Tyler Myroniuk
Andrew Williams
Fatima Zahra
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Sai and I have decided that after receiving detailed instruction on how to publish in top population journals, as well as learning advanced methods (from Dr. Kohler and Dr. Kaplan), in the last two sessions, that we would like to have a discussion about successes and failures in publishing population research as graduate students.

While we have examined how to publish in the absolute top population journals in the world, we believe that we could all benefit from a discussion about publishing in more-realistic venues--which many of us graduate students have--in the early stages of our career.

One of our fellow MPRC Student Affiliates, Andrew Williams, who is a PhD candidate in the Department of Family Science, has offered papers that he published in 2014 on alcohol intake, smoking, and pregnancy in Congo-Brazzaville (the "other" Congo, not DRC, for those unfamiliar with the region). These are public health papers and I think they will serve as a great reference group in which to discuss graduate student publishing, and across disciplines. As you will notice, the dates of submission, dates of revision, and dates of acceptance are very close to one another. Some of us in other disciplines are not always able to publish in rapid-peer review venues, which changes how we strategize about publishing.

We believe that we can all learn from this session (whether you have published or not), and we are grateful for Andrew for sharing his work. Please let us know if you can make it or . We look forward to another great, and different, discussion in this next Journal Club meeting.

Download : Williams, et al., Effectiveness of a Novel Low Cost Intervention to Reduce Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in the Congo

Download : Williams, et al., Prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in the Republic of the Congo: Maternal smoking is associated with increased risk of prenatal alcohol exposure

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