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Immigration Working Group Meeting

Initial meeting for Fall 2014
When Oct 14, 2014
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Where 2101C Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Attendees Marcia Bebianno-Simoes
Ira Berlin
Brooke Boccest
Amy Carattini
Judith Freidenberg
Chrissy Getrich
Patrico Korzeniewicz
Karen Lafield
Willow Lung-Amam
Sara Mosher
Julie Park
Michael Rendall
Stella Rouse
Mahesh Somashekhar
Andres Villarreal
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Goals of MPRC Immigration Working Group (IWG):

The purpose of the MPRC-IWG is to facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary immigration-related research by promoting discussion among faculty associates, sharing resources for development of applications for external funding, and encouraging involvement of immigration scholars.  A welcome is extended to interested faculty and graduate students whether or not they are currently affiliated with the MPRC.
Immigration-related research is broadly defined and may be either immigrant-focused or immigration-focused.  As examples, the research may involve focus on immigrants or foreign-born populations, population by nativity, and second generation Americans; quantifying net immigration or various subcomponents and modeling population change and growth, incorporation or adaptation as to language, socioeconomic and health status, and marital status or living arrangements.  Generally, the MPRC-IWG seeks to promote any immigration-related research consistent with Healthy People 2020 and major priorities in federal and other agencies or organizations with available funding for social science research.

MPRC-Immigration Working Group Activities over 2008-2014:

  • Immigration Research at Maryland Conference, December 2008
  • Member-led informal seminars on research, as well as occasional guest speakers in the MPRC Seminar Series 2009-2010
  • MPRC Immigration Seminar Speaker Series, 2010-2011, focused on data sources and methods (New Immigrant Survey, anthropological approaches, community-based participatory surveys, New York Second Generation Study, American Time Use Survey, multi-cohort linked immigration-naturalization records, and journalistic approaches) 

Other UMCP activities during 2011-2014—the Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course Research Program, the Center for the History of the New America, various events and seminars

What’s next for the MPRC-Immigration Working Group?

The primary goals for this orientation meeting are to become acquainted as immigration-focused researchers and to discuss ways of coalescence toward strengthening immigration-focused research activities within the MPRC.

Contact to join the MPRC Immigration Working Group reflector list.

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