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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Seminar Series: Erin Kelly, University of Minnesota; Rosalind B. King, NICHD Population Dynamics Branch

Seminar Series: Erin Kelly, University of Minnesota; Rosalind B. King, NICHD Population Dynamics Branch

Changing Workplace to Change Work-Family Conflict and Family Outcomes: Evidence from the Work, Family, & Health Network
When Oct 27, 2014
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1142A School of Public Health
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
Attendees Elaine Anderson
Christine Bachrach
Ryan Blick
Allda Briscle
Diana Cassar-Uhl
Esha Chatterjee
Hyeeun Chung
Rada Dahger
Jenifer Fahey
Eowna Young Harrison
Sally Koblinsky
Anthony Kondracki
Yoonjoo Lee
Leigh Leslie
Amy Lewin
Karoline Mortensen
Sara Mosher
Tyler Myroniuk
Allyson Pakstis
Joanna Pepin
Allison Schroeder
Rachel Shattuck
Mahesh Somashekhar
Towanda Street
Yonette Thomas
Yassaman Vafai
Reeve Vanneman
Andrew Williams
Moriah Willow
Jennifer Young
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About the Talk

This talk shares early findings from a group-randomized field trial conducted by the interdisciplinary Work, Family, and Health Network. We describe the Network’s goals of identifying and evaluating changes in workplace policies and practices that may reduce work-family conflict and improve the health of employees and families. We then introduce an organizational intervention that attempts to increase employees’ control over when and where they do their work and foster supervisors’ support for employees’ family and personal lives. Findings from our longitudinal study of information technology (IT) workers in a large U.S. organization demonstrate that this organizational intervention increased employees’ schedule control and their reports of family-supportive supervision, reduced work-family conflict, and increased time adequacy and subjective wellbeing. The study also investigates how changes in the workplace cross over to affect employees’ children. We find that the children of employees randomized to the workplace intervention report more time with their parents and better sleep.

About the Speakers

Erin L. Kelly is Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota where she is also affiliated with the Carlson School of Management and the Minnesota Population Center. She studies the adoption and implementation of new workplace policies in U.S. organizations and the consequences of these innovations for employees, families, and work organizations. Her research on flexibility initiatives, family leaves, childcare benefits, sexual harassment policies, and diversity programs has been published in the American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Law & Society Review, and other venues. Kelly is one of the principal investigators of the interdisciplinary Work, Family, and Health Network supported by the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Visit Professor Kelly's webpage

Rosalind B. King is Program Director in the Population Dynamics Branch of the NICHD. She oversees the Population Dynamics Mentored Career Development (K01) Program and also manages grants portfolios in life course health, biopsychosocial processes, and fertility, infertility, adoption, and new reproductive technologies. She has developed interdisciplinary program initiatives in poverty and child development, sleep and the social environment, and social epigenetics. She is the Project Scientist for the Work, Family, Health, and Well-Being Initiative.

Visit Dr. King's webpage

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