Improving Health Outcomes by Choosing Better Doctors: Evidence of Social Learning from Rural Tanzania
When |
May 02, 2013
from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM |
Where | 1124 LeFrak Hall |
Contact Name | Klaus Hubacek |
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About the Talk
Social learning may be one of the more important forms of adapta5on available to poor households in se8ngs with absent or unreliable formal sources of informa5on. Dr. Leonard examines and tests the ways that households share informaton in seeking health care in one area of Northern Tanzania. Households can choose between a wide variety of providers if they are willing to pay the sometimes significant costs of traveling to facilities. Previous work in similar seeings shows that the choices made display significant understanding of the value of health care, even for services whose quality cannot be directly observed.
Presented by the Departments of Geographical Sciences and Sociology in conjunction with the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Meet & Greet session with Dr. Leonard 3:00-3:30. Light refreshments will be served.