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You are here: Home / Coming Up / Seminar Series: Cash, Cars, and Condoms: Economic Factors in Female Adolescents' Condom Use

Seminar Series: Cash, Cars, and Condoms: Economic Factors in Female Adolescents' Condom Use

Janet Rosenbaum, Assistant Research Professor, Maryland Population Research Center, University of Maryland
When Apr 30, 2012
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 0124B Cole Student Activities Building
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Talk

Safe sex interventions with females try to improve their ability to insist on condom use as a prerequisite for sex. Females in unequal relationships may not be able to insist on condom use. This presentation is based on two papers produced by a collaboration with researchers at Johns Hopkins and Emory University examining economic factors in female adolescents' condom use, using data from HIV prevention intervention with 715 African-American female adolescents in urban Atlanta. We found that 24% of these adolescents report that their primary source of spending money is their boyfriend. Having a boyfriend as primary spending money source predicts 50% greater chance of non-use of condoms compared with having another primary source of spending money. We also examined whether employment helps adolescents avoid economic dependency. We found that at the time that they are employed, female adolescents are less likely to say that their boyfriend is their primary source of spending money, but they also use more marijuana and alcohol than adolescents who do not have jobs. The data analysis employed matched sampling methods including propensity score weighting and nearest-neighbor matching with the Mahalanobis metric, so the findings are robust to confounding.

Janet Rosenbaum

About the Speaker

Dr. Janet Rosenbaum, who studies the role of economic and educational factors in adolescent women's sexual decisions, earned her Ph.D. in Health Policy and Statistics from Harvard University in 2008. Her dissertation was on adolescent survey report inconsistency and the role of religion and virginity pledges in adolescent sexual decision making using causal inference models and matched sampling. Rosenbaum received a grant from the Spencer Foundation in 2010 to study whether school discipline policy predicts adolescent risk behavior. Her postdoctoral fellowship was at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health under Jonathan Zenilman, funded by the CDC Sexually Transmitted Disease training grant. Her work has been published in Pediatrics, the American Journal of Public Health, the American Journal of Epidemiology, and Science, and it has been covered by the New York Times, National Public Radio, and Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. She has presented her work at more than 40 professional conferences, and she is a member of the American Public Health Association, the American Statistical Association, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, and the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association.


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