Seminar Series: The Puzzle of Immigration and Population Projections (CANCELLED)
When |
Oct 24, 2011
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM |
Where | 0124B Cole Student Activities Bldg. |
Contact Name | Tiffany Pittman |
Contact Phone | 301-405-6403 |
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*This seminar will be rescheduled for a later date.
About the Talk
The Old-Age Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Fund programs account for about one-third of all federal spending and provide a safety net for elderly, disabled, orphans and widows, and the poor. From passage of the Social Security Act, OASDI tax revenues have been sufficient to cover benefits, but projections indicate payout levels will surpass OASDI tax revenues with retirements of Baby Boom cohorts. Now the financial shape of the OASI Trust Fund has worsened with decreased contributions due to joblessness in the economic recession and is projected to be exhausted in 2036, and the DI Trust Fund is expected to remain financially solvent only until 2018 due to recently higher disability incidence. This seminar reviews treatment of immigration in the actuarial models, recent immigration, recommendations on immigration assumptions, and likely impacts based on the Report to the Social Security Advisory Board of the 2011 Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods, following previous panels of 1999, 2003, and 2007. In the long-term, demographic assumptions on mortality, fertility, immigration, and disability are the dominant factors for financial status.
About the Speaker
Karen Woodrow-Lafield is a sociologist and has been an Associate Professor at Mississippi State University and an immigration demographer at the U.S. Census Bureau. She earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is a major contributor of key studies on U.S. immigration relevant for federal statistics and academic researchers, as well as policymakers, specifically, on net unauthorized migration, emigration, legal immigration, Mexican migration, census coverage, and consequences of immigration policies. She directed a NICHD-funded project for multi-cohort data creation and modeling of the timing of immigrant naturalization over two decades. In addition to this appointment to the 2011 Technical Panel, she served on the Mexico-U.S. Binational Migration Study. She has a wide range of interests in population, development, and social inequality, and she has forthcoming chapters on census and survey analyses of migration, immigrant incorporation as citizens, the sociology of official unauthorized statistics, and Hispanic migration.
Visit Dr. Woodrow-Lafield's website