Lauren Porter Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 9 references in this bibliography folder.
Esposito, M, Lee, H, Hicken, M, Porter, L, and Herting, J
The Consequences of Contact with the Criminal Justice System for Health in Emerging Adulthood
Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies, 8(1):57-74.
Porter, L and Novisky, M
Pathways to Depressive Symptoms among Former Inmates
Justice Quarterly, 34(5):847-872.
Porter, L, Bushway, S, Tsao, H, and Smith, H
How the U.S. Prison Boom Has Changed the Age Distribution of the Prison Population
Criminology, 54(1):30-55.
Curtis, A, Curtis, J, Shook, E, Smith, S, Jefferis, E, Porter, L, Schuch, L, Felix, C, and Kerndt, P
Spatial Video Geonarratives and Health: Case studies in post-disaster recovery, crime, mosquito control and tuberculosis in the homeless
International Journal of Health Geographics, 14:22.
Porter, L and King, R
Absent Fathers or Absent Variables? A New Look at Paternal Incarceration and Delinquency
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(3):414-443.
Lee, H, Porter, LC, and Comfort, M
Family Member Incarceration and Consequences for Political and Civic Engagement
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 651(1):44-73.
Porter, L
Incarceration and Post-release Health Behavior
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 55(2):234-249.
Porter, LC and Vogel, M
Residential Mobility and Delinquency Revisited: Causation or Selection?
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(2):187-214.
Porter, L
Trying Something Old: The Impact of Shame Sanctioning on Drunk Driving
Law & Social Inquiry, 38(4):863-891.
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